Finding Human™ | Leaders and Aspiring Leaders of Color
Finding Human™ | Leaders and Aspiring Leaders of Color
Starting on Mondays at 10:00AM CST
April 4th, 18th and May 2nd, 16th, 30th, 2022 (celebration)
A transformative journey of self-discovery about race, racism, and the commitment to find the human in all of us.
Finding Human is a gateway to a whole new world of equity and knowing deep down that you are making an actual difference, tiling the soil for a welcoming environment that that allows any individual to show up as their authentic selves and share their gifts with the world. Join me to add this critical tool to your toolkit!
We’ll meet in 2-hour segments five times during the two months virtually using zoom as our platform. Each class will have a specific action required before the next class. Class size will be limited so we can be connected and create safety and intimacy.
The regular investment for this program is $1997.00.
Register today for just $997
(Paying in 4 installments available with PayPal Pay Later)